Home Loans

Looking To Buy Your First Home?

The process of purchasing a home is a long journey, with so many decisions to make; purchasing your first home might initially appear unachievable at first. However, we’ll help you along the journey, breaking down the process into manageable stages and steps, so you know exactly where you are throughout the entire process.

These stages can include:

  • Deciding to purchase (no more renting!)
  • Property location
  • Finding out, how much you can borrow?
  • Finding, the correct loan type for your personal situation
  • Saving for your deposit
  • Securing your perfect home


The mortgage industry is ever-changing and so are your financial needs. It’s important that you review your loans from time to time to ensure you are still receiving the relevant benefits and features. Whether you’re considering purchasing another property, or if your circumstances have changed, refinancing your loan may be a good option.

Getting a new loan can open the door to potentially lower interest rates, flexible payment options, or a linked offset account, no matter what the current real estate market is doing. You can also refinance to consolidate multiple payments into one monthly payment.

Call us today and see how we can help you to review your current loan and goals.

Don’t Dream About It – Go On, Invest.

Many of us dream of owning more than one property but feel that we cannot afford it, or that it is too risky.

Did you know that property investment is one of the least volatile investments that you can make with your money? Of course, like any investment, there are risks that must be considered. The upward risk is that when the property market is increasing, the interest rates remain low. The downward risk is that when prices drop, you may lose tenants.

We can help research if property investing is the right option for you. Our research involves assessing location and market trends, calculating your budget or return on investment, whilst taking into consideration the ongoing costs with property management.

Talk to us and find out if property investing is an option for you.

Cannot Find Your Dream Home, You Can Design And Build

In some situations, it’s better to buy land and build your dream home, rather than searching endlessly for that elusive dream home! A construction loan can help you build a new home, or, it can be used to help you with major renovations to an existing property.

A construction loan varies from a traditional home loan because the lender pays out periodic progress payments throughout the different construction stages. Interest charges are limited to the amount of drawdown when the lender calculates the interest. Loan repayments are interest-only during construction.

 However, not all renovations will need a construction loan. Depending upon your own financial situation, it might be better financially for you to redraw on your current mortgage, refinance or get a personal loan.

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