With numerous loan products, it is difficult to find one that fit all your needs. Let me do the leg work.

More Articles of Interest

Dealing with troublesome tenants

Dealing with troublesome tenants

Most tenants are reliable, but if you’re a property investor, chances are you’ll encounter at least one bad renter. From failing to pay rent through to causing damage or conducting criminal activity, these tenants can harm your return on investment.

Rules of investment

Rules of investment

When you’re trying to secure finance for an investment property, it’s important to keep a few simple rules in mind to make sure you get the best deal possible and will be able to afford the repayments, come what may. If you’re thinking about purchasing an investment property, it’s important to…

Finance broker or bank?

Finance broker or bank?

While a bank will only offer you its own products, a credit adviser is an industry expert who will take the guesswork out of finding the mortgage product that suits you and your needs.

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