What comes first: the property or the loan?

What comes first: the property or the loan?

Delay arranging finance will weaken your negotiating position on both the property and the loan. Looking for a property to purchase is an exciting time. Choices regarding location, size, number of rooms, and local amenities often see house hunters carried away in a...
Home loan health check

Home loan health check

When was your last home loan health check? Circumstances can change, leaving your home loan less suitable than it was originally. A home loan health check can reveal if you’re paying too much. What’s involved? Your finance broker can do a full home loan health check...
When to refinance

When to refinance

When Would I Refinance My Mortgage? Whenever it makes financial sense to do so. Heard about mortgage refinancing? In the past, most people who took out a mortgage doggedly continued with it until they had paid it off. These days, people refinance their mortgage much...
Should you refinance

Should you refinance

Should you refinance? Refinancing a loan can take advantage of lower interest rates to bring down the overall cost of servicing a loan. But it’s not always the right, or the only, option. There are many different factors borrowers need to consider when thinking about...

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